Tobacco and Matches Board


The Monegasque Tobacco and Matches Board under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, operates the Principality’s monopolies on tobacco and matches.

  • Ensuring compliance with the Sovereign Ordinances of 5 December 1865 and 12 December 1891 granting the Principality exclusive rights to import, to export, distribute and origin control of tobacco and matches on Monegasque territory
  • Approving and publishing in the Monegasque Journal Officiel (official gazette) the retail sale prices of tobacco manufactured according to the tariffs in force in France pursuant to Article 19 Title III of the Franco-Monegasque Neighbourhood Agreement of 18 May 1963 (see Article 19 Title III of Ordinance 3039)
  • Applying tax and customs procedures
  • It is consulted for advice by the Business Development Agency and The State Property Authority regarding the opening of tobacconist shops, and the granting and duration of management concessions
  • Within the Principality, it supplies around 30 tobacconists and supermarkets, which only sell matches
  • It decides which products should be listed and which withdrawn, and offers nearly 700 listed tobacco products (cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, pipe tobaccos, rolling tobaccos and hookah tobaccos)
  • It negotiates with tobacco companies and distributors on behalf of the State
  • It ensures the collection of state revenues for tobacco, matches and various other products
  • It has had a bonded warehouse since 9 June 1965, and manages the export provisioning of ships under the European customs regulations in force


Legal References





Administrative contact

Procedures and Information