Monaco Boost and the Association of Women Entrepreneurs

27 NOVEMBER 2023

The Monaco Boost business incubator has signed a new partnership with the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Monaco (AFCEM). This agreement provides a one-year free AFCEM membership for 5 women entrepreneurs of Monegasque nationality who are professionally registered with Monaco Boost.

Le Monaco Boost et l’Association des Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises

To celebrate this new collaborative venture, which is helping to strengthen links between the key figures in Monaco's business ecosystem, Monaco Boost invited AFCEM to its premises to meet the young female entrepreneurs who will become members of the association in 2024. Ms Johanna Houdrouge, President of the Association, presented AFCEM's objectives, which were established in 2004.

Following on from the partnerships already established with the Monaco Economic Board and the Junior Chamber International, this new agreement will enable Monegasque women entrepreneurs to expand their network via networking events and join a community of active, passionate and ambitious women.