Statutory number of working hours for young people under 18

Last updated: 01/03/2023

The work of young people under 18 

The statutory number of working hours for employees and apprentices is:

  • 8 hours of actual work per day
  • 39 hours of actual work per week
  • 4.5 hours of actual uninterrupted work

In special cases, with an exemption from the Labour Inspector and with the agreement of the workplace's occupational doctor, the weekly working hours can be extended by a maximum of five hours.

The night-time rest period for young people under 18 must not be less than 12 consecutive hours.

The daily or weekly number of working hours for young people under 18 must not exceed that of adults employed in the establishment.


Young people under 18 and night work

Young people under 18 are forbidden to work between 10 pm and 6 am.

Exemptions can be granted by the Labour Inspector with the approval of the occupational doctor.

A night-time rest period of at least 12 consecutive hours is mandatory.

If you need assistance or encounter any difficulties, you can make an appointment at the Labour Inspectorate in one of the following three ways:


When you attend your appointment, please bring the documents required to complete your procedure.

See also

Administrative contact