Understanding the process
Under the provisions of point 2, paragraph 1 of Article 22-6 of Act no. 1.362 of 3 August 2009, amended access to the information in the "register of beneficial owners – companies and EIG" by the organisations and individuals referred to in Articles 1 and 2 of the abovementioned Act no. 1.362 of 3 August 2009, amended, in the course of fulfilling their due diligence obligations, is subject to the submission of a declaration signed by the legal representative of the applicant or by an individual who is duly authorised within the organisation to the Trade and Industry Directory.
The legal entities referred to in the third paragraph of Article 21 of the abovementioned act and individuals designated as responsible for basic information and information about beneficial owners in accordance with paragraph II of Article 22-1 may also request an extract solely for the information that they have declared.
Extracts of information from the register will be issued on payment of a fee of 15 euros.
The declaration must be signed by the applicant, who should submit it to the Registry Service personally or via an authorised representative with a special power of attorney attached to the declaration. Declarations which have not been duly completed and are not accompanied by the required supporting documents will be rejected by the Registry Service.
You can download the relevant form here:
Appendix if required:
You must include with your application for it to be considered admissible:
- The duly completed form and signed
- A copy of a valid national identity card belonging to the signatory
For the organisations and individuals referred to in articles 1 and 2 of Act no. 1.362 of 3 August 2009, amended:
- Any document proving that the applicant’s request is based on articles 1 and 2 of the abovementioned act
- Justification for concomitantly informing the relevant legal entity or the individual designated as responsible for basic information and information about beneficial owners in accordance with paragraph II of Article 22-1
- If appropriate, a copy of a special power of attorney
You must send the original copy of your request by post or deliver it directly to the counter for the Register of Beneficial Owners at the Business Development Agency.
The copy of information in the Register of Beneficial Owners is only issued on site, from the dedicated counter at the Business Development Agency.
Legal References
Legal References
Administrative contact
9 rue du Gabian
Opening hours :
from 9.30am to 5.00pm from monday to friday
Phone :
Fax :
Administrative contact
9 rue du Gabian
Opening hours :
from 9.30am to 5.00pm from monday to friday
Phone :
Fax :