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Barometer Manufacturing Industry: Publication of the initial results

Barometer Manufacturing Industry: Publication of the initial results

16 FEBRUARY 2024

Having launched a business survey in the manufacturing industry at the end of 2022, the IMSEE is now publishing the initial results of this Barometer, which provides a monthly snapshot of the sector's business climate.

According to the business leaders surveyed, the business climate in industry picks up in December 2023.

Baromètre de l’Industrie Manufacturière : publication des premiers résultats


Source : IMSEE

The business climate rose by 11 points to 95 in December. The improvement in the balance of opinion on past and forecast production is the main reason for this upturn. Order books and inventories fell moderately. The production outlook for the next three months has risen sharply and is now back above its long-term value.

To find out more, visit the dedicated Industry page on the IMSEE website or subscribe to their newsletter.

Please note: this survey is aimed at all companies in the Principality involved in manufacturing as defined in the current nomenclature of economic activities, which means that small-scale operations are also covered.

Like the Retail Trade Barometer, the results of this survey will now be published on a monthly basis.

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