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Take part in the Ocean Space Forum on 2 July at the Oceanographic Museum

Take part in the Ocean Space Forum on 2 July at the Oceanographic Museum

27 MAY 2024

Following the success of the first event in 2023, Prométhée Earth Intelligence, CNES (French National Centre for Space Studies), and Monaco Office for Outer Space Affairs will be holding the second Ocean Space Forum on Tuesday, 2 July 2024 in the magnificent setting of Monaco's Oceanographic Museum. 

Once again this year, the Forum will bring leading figures from the worlds of research, politics, and business together to highlight the ways in which New Space technologies are contributing to the preservation and sustainable management of our most precious resource, the Ocean.

The OSF 2024 is an important event in the run-up to the Third United Nations Conference on the Oceans, organised by both the French and Costa Rican governments, which will be held in Nice from 9 to 14 June 2025. This conference will be instrumental in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 14 to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.

Join us in Monaco on 2 July 2024 to help shape a future where New Space offers practical solutions to preserve the Ocean and its resources for future generations.

Register for free!

Here's a sneak peek at some of this year's top speakers.

The programme will feature a series of captivating round table discussions on crucial issues, such as preserving marine ecosystems, developing the blue economy, combatting climate change and reducing its impact on the oceans, and conserving marine resources. 

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