Compassionate and special leave

Last updated: 02/03/2023


Every employee is entitled to compassionate or special leave for family reasons. These days of absence are counted as days worked, including when calculating paid leave, and are remunerated as days worked. The employee must provide proof of the event involved.

This leave must be taken at the time of the event in question. The employer cannot refuse or postpone such leave.

If you need assistance or encounter any difficulties, you can make an appointment at the Labour Inspectorate in one of the following three ways:

When you attend your appointment, please bring the documents required to complete your procedure.

Length of compassionate or special leave

This leave is counted as working days, i.e. days usually worked excluding the rest day(s).


An employee is entitled to paid leave of:

  • Four days for his/her wedding
  • One day for the wedding of his/her son or daughter


An employee is entitled to two days' paid leave.


An employee is entitled to two days' paid leave in the event of:

  • The death of his/her spouse
  • The death of one of his/her children
  • The death of one of his/her parents
  • The death of one of his/her brothers or sisters
  • The death of one of his/her grandparents
  • The death of one of his/her grandchildren

An employee who has worked for the company for at least three months is also entitled to one days' leave in the event of the death of his/her parent-in-law.

See also

Administrative contact