State-owned business premises

Last updated: 23/02/2023


State-owned business premises are allocated through open calls for applications which are published in the Journal de Monaco and in the News section of this website.

The application pack includes all the information necessary (rent, surface area, general terms and conditions) to enable interested parties to apply in full knowledge of the facts.

Applicants must return all required documents to the State Property Authority by the specified deadline.

These documents are: the letter of application, information relating to the business owner (name, date of birth, curriculum vitae, extract of criminal record, etc.), information relating to the business, whether it is an established entity or one which is to be set up (statements of account for the last three years or forecasts, composition of the board, if appropriate, allocation of shares, etc.), draft articles of association, etc.

The decision on the allocation of premises is made by H.E. the Minister of State, following consultation with the Commission set up b


How to find out about open calls for applications

To ensure that you are automatically informed of open calls for applications published by the State Property Authority, you can subscribe to the Newsletter through the Government website.

See also

Administrative contact