Understanding the process
All filming in the Principality is subject to a request for authorisation.
Requests for filming, must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the planned start date of filming.
Please note: The application file must be complete, i.e. include all the documents requested. If the file is not complete, the application will not be processed within the deadline.
A complete version of the script must be provided to the Government Communication Department one month prior to the start date for all films of fiction (cinema or television), whether they are fully or partially filmed in the Principality
The extended use of certain places or streets in the Principality may give rise to the payment of an occupancy fee for usage of the public domain of the State.
Prior authorisation from the Digital Platforms and Resources Department is mandatory for the use of temporary radio networks (for SNG, HF cameras and radiocommunication devices)
For more information please consult the procedures:
- How to request a permit for the installation and use of a temporary radio communication network
- How to request an authorisation for the installation and use of an SNG system
If you anticipate to film using a drone, the company undertaking this must be registered with the Civil Aviation Authority.
For more information, see the procedure: How to apply for authorisation to operate drones
If you anticipate to film sites belonging to the Monte Carlo Société des Bains de Mer (Casino, Casino Square and the Casino Gardens, One Monte-Carlo, Café de Paris, Hotel de Paris, Hermitage, Monte Carlo Beach, Sporting) please contact:
- For Press enquiries: presse@sbm.mc or (00.377) 98 06 64 14
- For commercial enquiries (films, publicity, promotional images, etc):
- Marie Ducruet: Marie.Chevallier@sbm.mc
- Morgane Iapella: M.Iapella@sbm.mc
- or (00.377) 98 06 63 90
A complete version of the script (in French) must be provided to the Government Communication Department at least one month prior to the planned start date of filming. Applications should be made on line or on paper, as described below.
You must provide the following documents in french or in English, to the Government Communication Department. Applications should be made on line or on paper, as described below:
- An insurance certificate
- A technical description
- A Special Activities Manual (for critical situations : failure, loss of control, emergency landing…)
- The certificate of qualification of the remote pilot
- A description of the overflown places, times and flight plan
- A precise description of takeoff and landing areas + security zone
- The engagement letter or proof of the originator and the organizer if it is not the originator
Follow the link to the web service to request an authorisation to shoot.
NB: if you wish to make different kind of shooting (photo, video or film), you must make several online requests.
You will receive a delivery receipt for any online application.
You will receive the athorisation by e-mail.
You will receive a delivery receipt for any online application.
To get this form you can either:
- Download it here
- Or collect it from the Government Communication Department
The completed form must be submitted or sent to the Government Communication Department at least 15 days before the planned start of filming.
You will receive the athorisation by e-mail.
See also
See also
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