Professional Independent Artist

Last updated: 26/06/2024


The Act  no. 1.360 of 04 July 2009 states that performers and people that fall within the scope of the Act  no. 491 of 24 November 1948 concerning the protection of literature and works of art who practice their activity in a continuous, habitual manner for profit with no relation to legal subordination are considered as professional independent artists (APIs).


In order to be recognised as a Professional Independent Artist (API), you need to contact the Department of Cultural Affairs.

A printed form is available from the Department of Cultural Affairs or it can be downloaded. See the procedure: "How to set up as a professional independent artist"

Applications are processed by the support commission for professional independent artists (Commission de soutien aux API).

If your application is accepted, you will receive a letter explaining the steps to take in order to obtain an official declaration of this status.

Once you have received the acceptance letter from the Commission, you must:

Grant for setting up

The State has set up a support initiative for first-time applicants for API status. 

See the procedure "How to request a grant for setting up as a professional independent artist"

Administrative contact